Thursday 3 April 2014

Day 2/the vegan thang

Day 2 is here once more... I wish I was on day 30 or something because the earlier days are the easiest to give up on since I've barely started anything, I suppose the same goes for people on diets..
One thing I keep thinking about is how little it makes sense that I'm a vegan alcoholic... Here's what I mean :
I'm vegan for two reasons.. 
1. The animals 
2. Treating my body with love and respect and not putting anything dead and rotting, full of chemicals or processed into it.

So tell me... Why am I dedicating my time to eating pure, clean and finding the best sources of natural nutrients if I'm just going to piss that away but flooding my body with booze? Alcohol is so dangerous and bad for me and quite frankly it makes me unhealthy and overweight. 
With the way I eat I should be very slim and perfectly healthy and yet because I drink every day of my life I'm overweight and I undo my hard work and contradict my healthy lifestyle. I eat fresh fruits,vegetables, seeds and legumes, work out 2-3 times a week and then drink thousands and thousands of empty calories and sugar and stay fat. 
Not to mention I'd hate to see the state of my liver.
I need to think of this in a new way and stop poisoning myself 

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